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Global Perspectives: Celebrating Cultures & Traditions in Pre-K

庆祝各种传统,文化和习俗在格林谷 Early Childhood program allows children to embrace differences, cultivate empathy, 并认识到人类的相互联系——赋予他们独特的全球视角. 让自己沉浸在不同的文化体验中, they gain a global outlook, 学会以敏感和开放的心态在一个多样化的世界中航行. 从小教授文化鉴赏,可以为能够接受和重视世界各地个人和社会独特性的一代人奠定基础, 推动建设更加和谐、相互联系的国际社会.

"Learning about a world outside of ourselves, is a challenging, yet necessary part of Early Childhood development," said Green Vale’s Pre-K teacher, Jennifer Milillo. "Young children are innately egocentric. 他们只从个人的角度看待世界." 

Through Green Vale’s Global Kids initiative, Pre-K children are engaged in meaningful literature, reveling in celebrations of children, cultures, traditions, music, foods, and holidays from around the world. 这些机会不仅为孩子们提供了一个反思的机会,也为他们提供了一个了解与自己截然不同的新葡京官网的窗口. Tailored to their developmental stage, this program provides a global perspective, 促进对全世界和我们社区内儿童的理解.

Homa Sabet Tavangar, 一位著名的作家和演说家,专门研究全球公民, 与GVS老师合作,培养具有全球竞争力的文化. Tavangar's Global Kids Cards 提供动手活动,教孩子们手工, food, games, festivals and ways of helping others around the world. 这些资源增强了他们勘探的深度, 丰富教育工作者和学生的教育经验.

“我们总是以探索世界地图作为每节课的开始, which truly captivates the children," shared Milillo. “这有助于他们理解孩子们新葡京官网在世界各地, 讨论他们新葡京官网中的相似点和不同点. 这张地图也是我们文化探索的跳板."

以下是GVS Global Kids如何庆祝全球多元文化的一些引人注目的例子, 通过与年龄相适应的活动来传授知识,引发深刻的讨论, 拓宽年轻人的视野,超越他们周围的环境.

Guatemalan Worry Dolls
The children read "Pepe and the Parade" by Tracey Kyle, 这是一本儿童读物,讲述的是一个名叫佩佩的小男孩,当他意识到自己没有参加游行的服装时,他担心自己不能参加游行. Drawing inspiration from the story, the children made Worry Dolls, also known as trouble dolls or muñecas quitapenas, 这是一种源自危地马拉和中美洲其他地区的传统工艺吗. According to Guatemalan folklore, 晚上把这些小娃娃放在枕头下,就能消除你的烦恼和焦虑.

Diwali - The Festival of Lights
Through the story "Let’s Celebrate Diwali" by Anjali Joshi, 学生们了解了光明战胜黑暗的意义,并分享了与庆祝活动有关的经历. 在参加了排灯节集会并观看了一位同学的传统舞蹈之后, 孩子们受到启发,在课堂上重现了排灯节的庆祝活动. 他们制作粘土迪亚斯,并举办一场装饰着迪亚斯的盛宴,象征着节日的精神.

Exploring a tradition from Istanbul, Turkey, 同学们一边喝着苹果茶,一边在地图上发现了土耳其. Mrs. Milillo分享了她在伊斯坦布尔大巴扎的经历, enhancing the cultural connection for the children.

Apple slices


Native Americans and Bead Making
The class read "I Am a Story丹·瓦卡里诺(Dan vaccarino)的作品——这是一本强有力的书,通过引人入胜的插图和简单而深刻的叙述,歌颂了故事的永恒本质,以及它们对人类新葡京官网的影响. 这本书让人们认识到,除了文字之外,故事还有多种形式,保存和分享故事的重要性.  Using this story as a catalyst, 课程无缝过渡到探索土著社区如何使用珠饰作为一种讲故事的形式. This inspired them to create clay beads, paint them, and make necklaces, 是在“早期儿童朋友”活动中穿的吗.

Learning about Kwanzaa
Honoring African heritage and culture, 这节课讨论了宽扎节的7个原则:团结, Kujichagulia (Self-Determination), Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility), Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics), Nia (Purpose), Kuumba (Creativity), and Imani (Faith). As a hands-on activity, 学生们合作制作了一个公共Mkeka垫子, a symbolic piece central to Kwanzaa celebrations. 这个垫子上装饰着一篮子初熟的果实, a Unity Goblet, and corn to show appreciation for their crops, their sense of community, and their hope for the future.

Embracing Cultures Through Parent Involvement
我们诚挚邀请各文化遗产的家长与学校分享他们丰富的传统和习俗. Through these engaging visits, 父母有机会对他们的传统提供独特的见解, traditions, and values. 这些互动丰富了学生对世界的理解.

通过提供适合年龄的文化探索和理解平台, 澳门新葡京官网的全球儿童项目证明了在年轻的时候庆祝文化多样性可以产生深远的影响. Through literature, immersive experiences, and hands-on activities, 年轻的头脑不仅在了解这个世界——他们还在拥抱这个世界.

我们在GVS的专业教育工作者正在培养珍惜差异的一代, fosters empathy, 并以一种深刻的欣赏和开放的心态驾驭全球景观. 当这些孩子开始他们的教育之旅时, 他们带来了一份宝贵的礼物,那就是开阔的视野——一份推动我们走向更和谐的持久遗产, interconnected, and compassionate global community.

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